Experiencing temporary blindness or vision loss can be a worrying time for anyone that is affected, so read on to find out more about what causes it and what treatments might be available to help you.

What Causes Temporary Blindness?
Temporary blindness is most commonly split into two categories; partial or complete vision loss. If you have partial vision loss you can still see some things around you and have patches missing in your vision. Complete vision loss means you won’t see anything.
The most common cause of partial temporary vision loss is a migraine. Usually accompanied by a particularly bad headache and light sensitivity, a migraine will cause loss of vision in both eyes, but will eventually pass without any long-term damage. Other potential causes of partial vision loss include retinal tear or detachment, a blocked retinal blood vessel or a small stroke.
If you experience the sudden onset of complete vision loss you should call 000 immediately. This can signify a more serious problem and, if left untreated, may lead to permanent loss of vision. One of the more concerning causes of temporary blindness is a clot in a retinal artery or vein, which can cause bleeding or a lack of oxygen to the retina. A blocked blood vessel in the areas of the brain responsible for visual processing will also cause vision loss. Another cause of total vision loss is inflammation on the blood vessels entering the eye.
Sudden blindness could occur as a result of a head injury too – traumatic head injuries are usually the result of falls, contact sports and car accidents. It’s important to understand that vision loss may not occur until hours or days after you sustain the injury, so if you’re experiencing headaches or concussion alongside the vision loss, speak to a doctor straight away.
How Long Does Temporary Blindness Last?
Temporary blindness usually lasts anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. Even during this period, however, your best bet is to contact a doctor or ophthalmologist as quickly as possible, since waiting could worsen your condition and make the problem harder to treat if it is serious.
What Treatments Are Available For Temporary Blindness?
The best treatment will ultimately depend on the root cause of the temporary blindness. If the problem is a blood clot or blocked blood vessel, then you will be prescribed medication which will help to break the clot down. In some cases, though, you will need to undergo a procedure which opens the blocked blood vessel back up in order to fix the problem. Injections in the eye may be required to clear up bleeding cause by a blocked retinal vein. Inflamed blood vessels can be treated with systemic steroids. A retinal tear or detachment may require laser or an operation to repair the damage.
The best way to identify the issue is to head to an ophthalmologist as they can best diagnose and treat you for your specific ailment before it gets more serious.
Where Can I Get These Treatments?
For eye-related problems or any more questions, the best place to go is an ophthalmologist. Here at Pacific Eye Clinic Gold Coast, we have two decades of experience working with eyes and eye problems so we are well-equipped to help you.
Some of the services we offer include treatment for cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and refractive laser surgery, amongst other things. No matter your problem or questions, we will do our best to help you, so make sure to get in contact with us today through our online form or by phone at 07 5647 3484.
Dr Marc Wei
Dr. Marc Wei is the principal specialist laser and cataract surgeon at Pacific Eye Clinic in Southport on the Gold Coast. He has 20 years of trusted experience in advanced laser cataract surgery and has completed more than 15,000 procedures over the course of his career.
Dr Marc Wei
Dr. Marc Wei is the principal specialist laser and cataract surgeon at Pacific Eye Clinic in Southport on the Gold Coast. He has 20 years of trusted experience in advanced laser cataract surgery and has completed more than 15,000 procedures over the course of his career.